It is our hope that the motivating force of all our actions is the love of God, rather than the desire to please people or the fear of punishment (Colossians 3:23). Thus motivated, you will express the highest standards of conduct in all your relationships. Your love for truth will lead you to avoid all forms of lying, deceitfulness and cheating. You will respect the law and authority in general as well as the government and its officials. You will obey them when consistent with Scripture and perform the duties of a good citizen. You should manifest allegiance to the Body of Christ by faithful attendance at the services of a local church and by participation in its ministries. Your respect for the property of others will restrain you from stealing and from careless or reckless use of others’ possessions. A sense of dignity for human life will prevent you not only from willfully or carelessly causing harm to another, but also from destroying the reputation of another through malicious gossip. You will observe the Scriptural injunctions of love, obedience, and fidelity at all times. You will show proper respect for your body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, by abstaining from immorality and practices harmful to the body. This respect will extend to your attitude toward the treatment of other persons.
In questions of doubtful activities, certain broad scriptural principles are useful for guiding conduct. First of all, as a Christian you will consider that the rights of others are more important than your own; you will realize that inner righteousness surpasses any external law or constraint and that your scale of values emphasizes the positive good rather than a mere abstinence from evil; and you will govern your actions and do what leads to peace, what edifies others, and what glorifies God (Romans 14:19).
In light of scriptural principles, PNWCC expects its faculty, staff and student body to refrain from certain practices in contemporary culture which are offensive to the Christian conscience. The College also expects that in matters of entertainment its faculty, staff and students will exercise discretion and restraint in all choices.
It is important for students to understand that the College faculty and staff value student honesty and integrity as explained in this policy.
Academic dishonesty, “cheating” and other forms of misrepresenting others’ work as your own, such as plagiarism, are considered serious breaches of academic integrity and are major violations of the standards of ethical behavior that the College expects from all its students. When detected, as it often is, academic dishonesty can result in a range of disciplinary actions including failure on an assignment, failure of a course, or even Conduct Dismissal from the College. Records of disciplinary actions for dishonesty are kept and conduct dismissals are noted on College transcripts. The best rule is to assume that instructors expect all work (exams, papers, projects, etc.) submitted for grading to be entirely your own, done without collaboration. If the instructor allows or desires collaboration, you should assume that the instructor will make that clear in the assignment. If the instructor has not explicitly stated that collaboration is permitted, all work submitted should be entirely your own.
Definitions of Academic Dishonesty Covered by this Policy
Violations of the Student Academic Dishonesty Policy refer to actions related to the standards of honesty required in submission and evaluation of coursework in any course bearing PNWCC credit. These violations include, but are not limited to the following:
Charges brought against a student alleging violations of this policy will follow the procedures for Student Discipline proceedings.
All students will dress in a modest and socially appropriate dress and appearance. How one dresses is an expression of oneself, but also projects an image that can and will be interpreted as a reflection on the student, the college, and any organizations the student may be seen as representing. The College desires an image that is conservative, committed to excellence, and the College expects students to dress in a way that projects that image. The image desired can include casual dress, but casual attire need not be sloppy, tasteless, or provocative. A clean and neat appearance is expected of all students.
Since Scripture admonishes us to refrain from harmful practices, PNWCC students may not use, possess, manufacture, distribute, or disperse tobacco (including chewing tobacco), alcoholic beverages, marijuana in any form, or illegal drugs while on campus or College-sponsored events.”(I Corinthians 6:19-20, 10:31, Proverbs 20:1). The College will review applicants on a case-by-case basis who have had difficulties in the past with these areas. In addition, students who exhibit such problems or who are suspected of using illegal drugs or abusing the use of medicinal drugs will be asked to submit to testing, counseling, and/or disciplinary action. PNWCC is in compliance with federal drug-free campus and workplace legislation.
You are expected to refrain from all forms of dishonest practices including lying, cheating, and stealing (Ephesians 4:25). For additional details see Honesty under Academic Information.
You are expected to refrain from gossip, swearing, inappropriate slang, and profanity. Offensive remarks regarding race, gender, age, or ethnicity are not acceptable (Ephesians 4:49, 5:4; James 5:12; Psalm 19:14).
The development of wholesome friendships, good dating habits, and acceptable social manners is a vital part of your Christian growth. It is important that you conduct yourself, both publicly and privately, in such a way that you do not offend your fellow believers, nullify your testimony, or become involved in inappropriate activity. You are expected to refrain from moral impurity. All sexual relationships should be within the context of a faithful heterosexual marriage (I Thessalonians 4:3-8, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21).
The College encourages any student, male or female, who becomes involved in pregnancy outside of marriage to contact the Director of Student Life, who in turn will seek to assist the student in an atmosphere that is caring and confidential. Together they can explore what College and community resources may be brought to bear in support of the student. College policy is open to supporting the student to continue on with his or her educational program at PNWCC in a spirit of ongoing cooperation and commitment by the student to adhere to biblical standards of moral conduct. With this policy in mind, a pregnant student who wishes to remain in classes through advanced stages of her pregnancy, she may be required to meet with a designated member of the Student Life Staff who will act on her behalf to foster a spirit of caring for her within the College community and who will assist the student with practical support.
Relationships and Sexual Behavior
You are expected to refrain from moral impurity. All sexual relationships should be within the context of a faithful heterosexual marriage (I Thessalonians 4:3-8, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21).
In keeping with Pacific Northwest Christian College‘s (PNWCC) mission, we recognize the Bible, composed of the Old and New Testaments, as inspired by God and as the supreme and final authority in faith and life. We submit ourselves to carrying out our mission under its authority and seek to apply biblical principles to all facets of human aspiration and action, including the centrality of personal transformation.
The view of human sexuality is rooted in the Genesis account of creation and is maintained consistently throughout Scripture. Pacific Northwest Christian College affirms that all sexual relationships are designed by God to be expressed solely within the context of faithful heterosexual marriage. Therefore, as a matter of moral and faithful witness, all members of the college are expected to refrain from moral impurity and to refrain from encouraging it in others. If you violate College regulations, you face the possibility of disciplinary action.
Pacific Northwest Christian College acknowledges that some students may struggle with issues such as sexual orientation or gender identity. We recognize that gender identity is formed through complicated biological and social processes. Concerns about sexuality may be difficult to disclose but struggling in silence is a far greater challenge. We strive to be a caring and supportive community for those struggling with gender identity issues. At the same time, we expect all members of our community to exhibit a consistent gender identity for the duration of their time at PNWCC (1 Corinthians 14:33); we do not approve of changing or attempting to change one’s sex while enrolled at Pacific Northwest Christian College.
All students are responsible for their actions, sexual and otherwise. Due to the complexity of issues related to same-sex behavior, same-sex attraction, and sexual orientation, PNWCC staff is committed to helping our students develop toward Christ-like maturity in their daily practices. If you know your behavior is outside the limits established by the College and/or God’s Word, and wish assistance in changing this behavior, you may take the initiative to discuss it with a Student Life staff member without the threat of disciplinary action.
PNWCC is proud of its campus and facilities. As a member of this community, be responsible to not litter, deface property, or pollute the environment. Student lounges, the Library, and other common areas are semi-public and should be neat at all times.
Because Scripture warns against showing favoritism (James 2:1) and asks that Christians “show proper respect to everyone” (I Peter 2:17a), you are asked to treat one another with honor and to acknowledge that each individual is created in the image of God and has inherent worth. It is our desire to develop an environment in which differences are respected and valued. Each person has dignity, and to diminish the dignity of one is to diminish the dignity of all. Differences are celebrated within the context of our biblical beliefs. PNWCC specifically asks that you not discriminate or cause harm against any person based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, or physical disability. For more detailed information please read the General Discrimination and Harassment Policy, the Discrimination and Harassment Policy regarding sex or gender-related discrimination (Title IX), as well as the Violent Act Policy, all of which can be found in the section entitled “Student Safety and Well Being.”
Accepted and enrolled students arrested for any reason while affiliated with the College must report this to the Director of Student Life within 24 hours of the arrest. College personnel will work cooperatively with the student and law enforcement investigators to determine whether or not the student will be able to remain a member of the student body and if so, under what conditions.